How can I better manage different personalities at work? What skills are needed?

We all have different personalities. Learn the skills to manage different personality types so that you can navigate challenging situations that may arise in your career. Through this course, you will understand the importance of managing different personalities at work, the power of the subconscious mind, steps to successful behavioural change, and the power of reverse psychology and triggers.

Featured Speaker

Ivan Phua

Ivan specializes in maximizing individuals’ potential and effectiveness through his training and coaching services. His mission is to empower individuals to make choices that truly benefit their personal and professional life. As a facilitator/trainer, and counselor, with many years of experience in both public and private sectors, he brings across a blend of expertise, backed by extensive experience in providing people management consultation to multinational corporations, helping individuals deal with work and personal issues.

What you'll learn

  • Importance & Skills

    Why is it important to learn how to manage different personalities? What are the skills needed to effectively manage different personalities?

  • Subconscious Mind & Behavioural Change

    Be aware of the power of the subconscious mind. What are the triggers that influence you? What are the steps to successful behaviour change?

  • Power of Reverse Psychology & Triggers

    Harness the power of reverse psychology to achieve your objective. How can you identify and classify thought triggers?

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Managing Different Personalities at Work

    • Importance & Skills

    • Subconscious Mind & Behavioural Change

    • Reverse Psychology & Triggers

Indicate your interest

Learn the skills to manage different personality types.